Thursday, May 28, 2009


Slated for demolition, it held 2 madmen, 4 forgers & a nobleman when the mob came for its gunpowder

The Bastille

1/1 correct response

NFL Team Names

2 of the 4 teams in the NFL with completely alliterative names

Buffalo Bills, Jacksonville Jaguars, Seattle Seahawks, Tennessee Titans

5/5 correct responses

Cyber Glossary

In computerese this word from the Hindu faith means an icon of a user in virtual reality


2/2 correct responses

19th Century American Authors

He wrote, "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and spartan-like..."


2/2 correct responses

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Group of 4 letters that sounds different within words for done, exhaustive, hack, idea, branch & coarse

O-U-G-H (through, thorough, cough, thought, bough, rough)

3/3 correct responses

Legendary People

He lived with his girlfriend, a fat priest & a 7-foot-tall archer

Robin Hood

4/4 correct responses

The Early 20th Century

On April 11, 1912, from a pier in Queenstown, Ireland, Francis Brown took one of the last known photos of this

The Titanic

4/4 correct responses

The Earth

As Earth wobbles slowly on its axis, this moves in a "Chandler Circle" with a diameter of about 1 to 70 feet

The North Pole

3/3 correct responses

Travel and Tourism

City that boasts the tallest U.S. monument, completed in 1965

St. Louis (The Gateway Arch)

1/2 correct responses

Medieval Firsts

In the Middle Ages, this man introduced fireworks to western Europe

Marco Polo

0/2 correct answers

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Baptist minister Francis Bellamy penned this oath in 1892 to reflect his Christian Socialist beliefs

The Pledge of Allegiance

1/2 correct responses

Fictional Characters

In works written about 300 years apart, Nick Bottom & Pinocchio find themselves transformed into these


2.5/6 correct answers

Colleges and Universities

(This New York univ. is named for the family whose company was the first to sell toothpaste in a tube

Colgate University

3/3 correct responses

Food and Drink

In 2001 a 5,861-gallon version of this drink was served up at a Jimmy Buffett-owned place in Orlando


3/3 correct responses

National Anthems

This country's national anthem was written on the night of April 24, 1792


1/3 correct responses

Presidential Firsts

The first president to cross the Atlantic Ocean while in office, he did so to meet with other world leaders


2/2 correct responses

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Pulitzer Prizes

The first man to win the Pulitzer Prize for his film criticism, he's lobbied for a Pulitzer Prize for the movies

Roger Ebert

2/2 correct answers

Historic Americans

He turned down an appointment as a U.S. senator in 1875 because it meant accepting a pardon for treason

Jefferson Davis

1/3 correct answers


The only day of the week named for a Roman god

Saturday (for Saturn)

5/5 correct answers


Born Edwin in 1930, this Apollo astronaut legally changed his name in 1982 to his popular nickname

Buzz Aldrin

4/4 correct answers

Business and Industry

The Welch's Company has its corporate headquarters in this Mass. town


2/3 correct answers

Women in Sports

In 2006 the National Tennis Center in New York was renamed in her honor

Billie Jean King

3/3 correct answers


In an 1897 editorial that stated, "Thank God! He lives, and he lives forever" this question was answered

Is there a Santa Claus? (Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause)

2/2 correct answers